Lab2PT — Conferences — Conferences
1st International Conference The Future Design of Streets
Streets are belonging to all of us. To re-think and re-design it we need to gather everyone!
Describing, exploring, talking about what the street of the future will be is the central focus of the first international conference the Future Design of Streets. What will be the design assignment that society needs to make better streets? To enlarge our scope of imagination and practical possibilities, the conference program offers a spectrum of very divers and inspiring guests form different places in Europe. Hope you can join us, 18th November, in Porto!
the Future Design of Streets platform aims to connect knowledge, experience and people together. This started in 2020 with a first international webinar with inspiring guest speakers from different background and cultures. The second webinar followed in spring 2021, and in the same year an edition was dedicated to the city of Porto. In this following year – 2022 – we continued organising debates with others guests, and more recently we organised another City Edition (this time Braga). This year the first International Conference will be hold in Porto.
We invite you to visit, where you can find several information about the Program and the Registration.
The Conference will be held at the Auditorium of ANJE, Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários, in Porto, on 18 of November of 2022. A full-day program that starts by 9:30 and it ends at 18:30.
( The debate will be taken in english, althouhg we have a translation service for portuguese, for those who request. This time, this session will not be available on streaming. )
18 November 2022
ANJE, Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários
Ivo Oliveira Daniel Casas Valle