Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
Rooting Symposium: from Alvar Aalto to Álvaro Siza
Symposium “Shifting Ruralities. "Reimagining Rural Spaces in Europe" | NERU consortium | Open call
I Symposium on Product and Service Design in Portugal. Talking to....
Green Gap Technical Conferences - Local Strategies for Green Infrastructure Planning in Galicia and Northern Portugal
II Congress of Ponte de Lima – From the modern age to contemporary times (15th–20th centuries)
Congress "The Archives of Misericórdias: from the memory of institutions and individuals to the history of communities"
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
2nd International Conference “the Future Design of Streets”
Conference “Whistling at ease. Adventures of history through 20th century culture”
2nd International Conference on the History of Health: Epidemiology and Health Infrastructure in European History (19th-21st Century)
Conference "The dotal deed: methodological approaches to the study of marriage in Portugal"
Conference "Landscapes of slavery and social memory - work with contemporary communities of the Cacheu River, Guinea-Bissau"
Conference “Research Methodologies and Exploration of Textual, Audiovisual, Photographic, Iconographic, Hemerographic and Oral History sources"
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
#39 SHARE.EAAD | Catarina Mateus | Other models of development: alternatives from marginalized territories
#4 Lab2SHARE | Joint initiative of SHARE.EAAD and SHARE.ICS | Making seeing. Images in academic production and research | Jorge Santos (Architecture) and Diego Machado (Archaeology)
#38 SHARE.EAAD | Maria Maia | Psychiatric spaces in Portugal. Critical trajectories, a research project in Architecture. Pre-Atrium or Preamble
SHARE.ICS #18 | Mafalda Lopes |The widows of Porto: patrimony, business, and family (1700-1832)
How? HSN Permanent International Seminar - Slavery
SHARE.ICS #17 | Aline Veroneze | In the Networks for Education: Strategic Communication in the Service of Citizenship
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences