Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
5º National Meeting of Researchers of the IN2PAST
2nd Congress Public History in Portugal: Uses of the Past in the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution
International Meeting Cultural Geographies of Music, Sound and Silence
Caring for heritage and memory. Challenges in Data Management and Curation in the Social Sciences and Humanities
5th International Meeting "The Walking Body" (TWB5)
4º National Meeting of Researchers of the IN2PAST
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
DESIGN COMMIT 2024 - 1st International Conference on Design & Industry
Conference "Images of power in roman Africa: the mausoleums of Ghirza and the political affirmation of the principes gentium (century III-V)"
Conference "Politics of representation of the Guineanheritage in Portuguese museums in the post-colonial period: histories, circuits and discourses"
Conferência "La historia del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales (Mexico)"
DESIGN COMMIT 2024 - 1st International Conference on Design & Industry: call for papers
1st International Conference The Future Design of Streets
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences
WALC Openig Seminar: Walking as a Community-based art practice
III Seminar of Contemporary History
SHARE.EAAD #32 | Bi-monthly meetings of EAAD doctoral students
SHARE.ICS Invites | Leonardo Aboim Pires | Fresh as lettuce? Food freshness and the historical reality of contemporary Portuguese horticulture
#3 Lab2SHARE | Joint initiative of SHARE. EAAD and SHARE. ICS | In2Future Boot Camp. Doctoral School IN2PAST
Doctoral Cycle of Conversations of the Associated Laboratory IN2PAST: Round Table "Truth, Justice and Memory"
Lab2PT — Meetings and Conferences