
Lab2PT Organization


Lab2PT upholds core values ​​such as scientific plurality and cooperation, free development of ideas, application of knowledge and the impact of research. The unit is formed by three research groups, designed according to the Research Unit identity and its specific objectives – Landscapes and Societies (LandS), Design and Technology (DeTech) and Space and Representation (SpaceR) – comprised by researchers from different disciplinary areas.

Lab2PT’s internal organizational chart is structured by a council and two commissions. The Scientific Council is comprised by all doctorate members of the unit. The Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council has 14 members, including the 5 members of the Management Committee, assistant coordinators of the groups and 2 representatives per group, ensuring scientific and category diversity. The Management Committee, formed by the director, deputy director and the 3 group coordinators, carries out the day-to-day management of the unit. These are the unit’s deliberative bodies, responsible for defining the strategic orientation and scientific guidelines for research activity, postgraduate projects and interaction with society.

The General Assembly brings together all Lab2PT members, with a view to active participation and sharing of issues essential to its mission.
This R&D Unit is also monitored by an External Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised by foreign researchers of recognized merit.