Lab2PT — Conferences — Conferences
Conference "Resignifying Loss: Cultural Heritage in Today's Guinea-Bissau"
The Conference “Resignifying Loss: Cultural Heritage in Today’s Guinea-Bissau”, taught by Ana Temudo, integrates the Conference Cycle on Research Methodologies of Historic Investigation, within the scope of the curricular unit “Research Methodologies in History” of 1st year of the Master’s in History. The open classes will take place from 4pm to 6pm, in person, in Sala de Atos, ICS, at the University of Minho.
The Conference Cycle is organized and supported by the History Department/Master’s Degree of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho, in collaboration with Lab2PT/IN2PAST, under the coordination of Fátima Moura Ferreira.
Free admission.
Abstract: This investigation, theoretically grounded in the post-colonial Museums Studies framework, proposes a reflection on the representation policies associated with Bissau-Guinean cultural heritage in the transition from the colonial to the post-colonial period. It critically analyses the African and European conception of museums and heritage. Based on a case study that examines a set of collections found in museums that arose in political, economic, social and culturally different contexts (Portugal and Guinea-Bissau) this project encourages a joint re-reading of cultural heritage through the survey of histories, transits and discourses associated with these collections. The survey of meanings attributed to Bissau-Guinean material culture in different contexts and historical times will set the conditions of possibility for an informed debate on the potential restitution of heritage to Guinea-Bissau, as well as reflect on the impact of this return and relocation on future representations of African culture on a global scale.
Biographical note: Ana Temudo has a degree in Fine Arts and a postgraduate degree in Art Studies from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. Master in Museology from the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto. PhD student in Heritage Studies. Ana Temudo collaborates on projects that promote interdisciplinarity between museum and heritage studies, art and social sciences.
24 of October of 2024 | 4pm-6pm
Sala de Atos, ICS, University of Minho
Department of History Master's Degree in History Lab2PT/IN2PAST Fátima Moura Ferreira