Lab2PT — Conferences — Congresses
Caring for heritage and memory. Challenges in Data Management and Curation in the Social Sciences and Humanities
5 of april 2024 | Multimedia Auditorium 0.29 of Institute of Education of the University of Minho
This meeting aims to discuss the importance of data and the questions that arise around it and its management in the field of social sciences and humanities.
The workshop, which will take place in the afternoon, will have a practical component, but also a reflective one on the issues related to the production, management and curation of data in the social sciences and humanities. Much of the data produced is born from the study of museum collections, direct interaction with people and communities, and/or representatives of past communities. The management and curation of the data produced in these contexts must be framed historically (but not only) taking into account the provenance of many of the collections. Along with the whole issue of creating a data management plan, where to do it, how, with whom and what is the ultimate goal of it, the ethical implications will also be addressed. It is intended to be a practical, flexible and relaxed workshop, but also capable of contributing to the design of ethically framed data management plans, taking into account the FAIR* principles and the CARE** principles.
*FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)
**CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, and Ethics) Principles
10.00 a.m. – Opening session
Fátima Moura Ferreira
Francisca Alves Cardoso
Alexandra Esteves
10.15 a.m. – Isabel Fernandes – Gerir um museu: uma visão muito especial
10.45 a.m. – Pedro Príncipe- Gestão e Abertura de Dados de Investigação na prática: os serviços e responsabilidades dos investigadores e das instituições
11.15 a.m. – Pausa para café
11.30 a.m. – Brígida Riso –Gestão de dados em bancos de dados para investigação: dinâmicas sociais e considerações éticas a partir de um caso prático.
12.00 a.m. – Francisco Mendes – A segunda vida ética dos dados históricos: o que nós já sabíamos sem prever as consequências no longo século XXI
12.30 a.m. – Natália Botica – Governança de dados arqueológicos: desafios à preservação deste património. Archaeological data Governance: challenges for the preservation of this Heritage.
1.00 p.m. – Lunch
2.30 p.m. –Workshop: Curadoria e Gestão de Dados nas Ciências Sociais e Humanas: “Porquê”, “Como”, “Para Quem” e “Com Quem”?
5 april 2024
Multimedia Auditorium 0.29 of Institute of Education of the University of Minho
Alexandra Esteves - Lab2PT/IN2PAST Francisca Alves Cardoso - CRIA/IN2PAST