Lab2PT — Conferences — Seminars
SHARE.ICS #16 | Diana Mendes | Project Presentation: Heritage Within Community Reach Through the Use of New Technologies: The House of Knowledge [Casa do Conhecimento] of Vila Verde
The SHARE meetings are bi-monthly seminars created, coordinated, and held by doctoral students enrolled in the third cycle of studies in history, archiology and geography of the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Minho / Lab2PT. Besides being an opportunity for doctorate students to meet, each session enables a doctoral student to present the progress of their research and receive contributions from their peers.
SHARE.ICS #16 Diana Mendes | Project Presentation: Heritage Within Community Reach Through the Use of New Technologies: The House of Knowledge [Casa do Conhecimento] of Vila Verde
The research project’s central objective is to understand the benefits of applying new technologies to cultural heritage, with a view to promoting community involvement and, thus, contributing to its safeguarding, communication, valorization and sharing, as well as to the creation of memory to national level. In this context, the research project financed by FCT will be presented, with reference 2024.01190.BDANA, which will develop a process of inventory, characterization and dissemination of the cultural heritage of the municipality of Vila Verde, in the district of Braga. Using new technologies and resources available at the Vila Verde House of Knowledge, the project will culminate in the creation of a digital collection, an interactive cultural map of good practices, a heritage itinerary of Vila Verde, “workshops” and a final exhibition, both physical and virtual.
Diana Mendes has a degree in History, a postgraduate degree in Communication Sciences and a master’s degree in Cultural Heritage from the University of Minho. He is a PhD fellow from the Foundation for Science and Technology, with project reference 2024.01190.BDANA. In its curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific production are: Rede Casas doconhecimento; community involvement; heritage safeguarding and communication and new technologies applied to Cultural Heritage.
+ info:
Online Session, via Zoom (959 5405 1577): HERE
Free admission.
15 of november 2024 12am-1pm
Cláudia Novais Fátima Silva Sílvia Pinto