Monographic Meeting on Cultural Heritage "Making the invisible visible. What to do with prehistoric sites in Galicia", with the coordination of Rebeca Blanco-Rotea
12 of march of 2024 | Consello da Cultura Galega
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Rebeca Blanco-Rotea coordinated and moderated the round table of this meeting, which focused on a problem that affects a heritage that is difficult to recover and essential for understanding Galician prehistory. In recent decades, the discovery and identification of a type of site that is difficult to recognise has increased, in the context of major works in the territory, or thanks to advances in remote sensing techniques and their democratisation, “invisible sites” have come to light because their characteristics do not allow them to be identified with the naked eye or require an expert eye. Although some of these remains belong to the Protohistoric, Roman or Postclassic periods, most of them belong to the recent Prehistoric period. Together with important sites such as the Late Bronze Age circles, they are renewing our knowledge of this period. However, due to their context of appearance, their fragility or their conservation problems, they require reflection on what we can and should do with them from a methodological, research or protection and safeguarding point of view. The aim of the meeting was to discuss these questions.
Coordination: Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (Lab2PT, Consello da Cultura Galega)
Participants : Pilar Prieto Martínez, EcoPast, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Antonio Martínez Cortizas, EcoPast, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; César Parcero Oubiña, Incipit-CSIC; Roberto Pena Puentes, Xunta de Galicia; María Martín Seijo, Incipit-CSIC
Promoting Institution: Consello da Cultura Galega (
More information: HERE