Talk by Rebeca Blanco-Rotea: "The terrace system of Coutada de Baixo (Extremo, Arcos de Valdevez): the memory of an agro-pastoral landscape"
November 5 2024 | 9am-6pm | Incipit-CSIC. Edificio Fontán, Cidade da Cultura: Sala 9 (bloque 3)
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The talk is given in the Workshop ‘Modernisation in the rural landscapes of the Iberian Northwest: a reading of long times’ organised by the RURARQ project ‘Historical archaeology of rural landscapes in the Iberian Northwest (16th-21st centuries)’, coordinated by David González-Alvarez at Incipit-CSIC, with the participation of Lab2PT/IN2PAST researcher Rebeca Blanco-Rotea. In this talk will be presented the results of the archaeological surveys carried out in the terraces of Campo do Extremo and Campo da Cancela (Extremo, Arcos de Valdevez), excavated in the context of the PEx Land-CST (EXPL/In2Past/2023/09) and RURAQ projects.
Organizers: Institute of Heritage Sciences, CSIC (Spain)
Coordinators: David González-Álvarez (Incipit-CSIC)
Promoting institutions: Incipit, CSIC; Lab2PT/IN2PAST, UMinho
Initiative website: