Participation of Vítor Ribeiro at the 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
1 to 3 of july 2024 | Palma de Maiorca
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The LAB2PT researcher, Vítor Ribeiro, participated in the “16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies” with the communication “Geography and History Education with Augmented Reality”. This communication integrated the results of a case study conducted with Professor Dr. Isilda Monteiro of Paula Frassinetti Higher Education School (ESEPF) on the role of Augmented Reality in the process of Teaching and Learning of Geography and History. The innovative nature of research has focused on immersive tools emerging in teaching and has been included in the axis of “Technology Enhanced Learning”.
EDULEARN is one of the largest international conference on “education and technology” which had, this year, more than 800 participants from 80 countries.
Promoting Institution: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Link to the EDULEARN24 website: