Books launch session "Inspirando Designers: Mapeamento inspirador da Inclusão pelo Design (MID)" | “Inspiring Designers: Mapping as a means to inspire Inclusion through Design (MID)”, de Paula Trigueiros
4 of july 2024 | b_lounge of UMinho Library, Gualtar
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The launch session for Paula Trigueiros’ books “Inspirando Designers: Mapeamento inspirador da Inclusão pelo Design (MID)” e “Inspiring Designers: Mapping as a means to inspire Inclusion through Design (MID)” took place on July 3rd, at 11:30 am, in the b_lounge of the UMinho Library, on the Gualtar Campus.
Based on the author’s experience as a teacher and designer, this book proposes a multidisciplinary application tool to promote research into inclusive solutions from the beginning of the project. It provides a current reflection on the social function of designers, focusing on the importance of teaching Design in promoting a world capable of responding to today’s complex challenges.
Paula Trigueiros is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design at the University of Minho and a researcher at Lab2PT. Her long work experience as a teacher and researcher has been dedicated to the design of inclusive solutions, which involves working with people with very diverse profiles and needs, including people with functional diversity, the elderly and others in vulnerable situations. His research interests focus on people and communities, social innovation, and encompass interaction design, and user experience (UX).
At the end of 2022, he completed post-doctoral work at the University of Lisbon, dedicated to inspiring inclusion through design. This work resulted in the publication of this book.
This is the first publication of the editorial partnership between Lab2PT and UMinho Editora.