The Workshop “Introduction to GIS and its applications in Archeology” is taking place, organized by Lab2PT/IN2PAST and the Archeology Unit of the University of Minho
11 to 17 of june 2024 | 8.30 am-1 pm | Library of Unidty of Archaeology of University of Minho (Congregados Building)
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This workshop on GIS and its applications in archaeology is taking place from 11 to 17 June, with 15 students taking part. With the advance of technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become a crucial tool in archaeological practice. This theoretical-practical workshop aims to provide students, researchers and professionals in archaeology, historical architecture, landscape architecture and related areas with the essential knowledge to integrate this technology into their work.
Organization: Lab2PT, IN2PAST, Archaelogy Unit of UMinho
Coordenation: Natália Botica (UAUM, Lab2PT); Emilio Abad Vidal (Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia, CESGA); Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (Lab2PT)
Promoting Institutions: Lab2PT, IN2PAST, CESGA, UAUM
Teachers: Emilio Abad Vidal (Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia, CESGA) e Natália Botica (UAUM, Lab2PT)
+ Info: HERE