Lab2PT — People — PhD Students
Sarah Al Shrbaji
Since 01/11/2020
Science ID
Lab2PT Group
SpaceR - Space and Representation
Scientific Area
João Rosmaninho Marta Labastida João Sarmento
Project Title
A Fictional Representation in the Geo-architecture of Syrian Student Migrations to Portugal: Traces and Chronotopes of (e)scape paths amidst the Mediterranean from 2014 to 2018
This thesis explores the intersection of architecture and migration, specifically focusing on Syrian student migrations to Portugal. It consists of two parts: a theoretical one, and a practical one, both in an interdisciplinary approach. Within these two parts, stories of five case studies of migratory paths enable a connection of subjects like memory, a recollection, and obliteration of it, personal experiences of time-space, and map distortions. From these stories emerge questions about the representation of migratory paths and methodologies, such as the agency of mapping. Through an understanding of positionality, the thesis develops an inter-subjectivity and visual data to reinterpret the shared stories. With each path representation, there is a continuous learning process regarding how migrants shape their environment and are shaped by it, influencing their event-memory, experience, and perception of it. In this way, simultaneously considering territorial and human scales, geo-architecture, mediates as a practice what the thesis contributes to the field of architecture.
Geo-architecture; Representation; Mapping; Syrian student migrations; Path studies
FCT Reference
Organic Unit
School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho