2018 - The Walking Body
The Walking Body (TWB) are international gatherings of walking artists.
“Walking more than human” concept
Walking Arts have today become a response to the profound global environmental crisis we are currently facing. Walking is one of the keys to contextualizing and deepening our understanding and relationship with the living planet we live on and that we share with other species. We are not just walking on our planet, as isolated beings, as explorers, but we are walking with the planet. The sounds, the living beings, the plants, the geopoetics of each place are factors that connect us to a Nature that is experienced and lived in every step we take. The Walking Body is about stepping out of the time and space of the man-made environment, into the no man’s land of nature, bringing us back to where we once were and where we belong.
The artistic project and TWB walkshops have been developed since October 2018 and are organized by Natacha Antão (EAAD/Lab2PT), Miguel B Duarte (EAAD/Lab2PT) and Geert Vermeire (Made of Walking/WLC).
Project Link:
Visual Arts
Miguel Bandeira Duarte (Lab2PT) Natacha Antão Moutinho (Lab2PT)