Lab2PT Publications
2023 - Diseases in Women: Cases, Perspectives and Debates
The book that is now being printed will be able to serve, as one wishes, as a motive and an instrument for reflection on diseases typically female. Its elaboration is the result of the contribution of experts from various areas of knowledge, having been considered different times in order to obtain a holistic view of the the illnesses that have bothered women throughout the time. This is a matter that has been increasingly deserved interest and to take on greater prominence, which shows the growing importance that has been given to the so-called women’s or gender history, as well as the history of health and medicine, which have also benefited from the collaboration of different branches of knowledge. So, more than balance sheet or summary of what has already been said or done, this book may serve, in addition to a stimulus and as a starting point for follow-up research on a topic that is very far from being worn out.
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Alexandra Esteves Cristina Pinheiro Eliane Fleck
Alessandra Foscati Joaquim Pinheiro Rui Carlos Fonseca, Maria Marta Lobo de Araújo Isabel Amaral, Maria Emília Granduque José