Lab2PT — Conferences — Seminars
#4 Lab2SHARE | Joint initiative of SHARE.EAAD and SHARE.ICS | Making seeing. Images in academic production and research | Jorge Santos (Architecture) and Diego Machado (Archaeology)
SHARE meetings are bi-monthly seminars, created, coordinated and carried out by doctoral students enrolled in the third cycle of training in architecture at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho/Lab2PT and in history, archeology and geography at the Institute of Social Sciences from the University of Minho / Lab2PT. In addition to being a meeting moment, each session allows a doctoral student to present the progress of their research work and receive contributions from their peers.
From the SHARE.EAAD and SHARE.ICS meetings a joint initiative emerges – the Lab2SHARE meetings – which enhance the crossing of disciplines and knowledge of Lab2PT doctoral students.
#4 Lab2SHARE # | Making seeing. Images in academic production and research | Jorge Santos (Architecture) and Diego Machado (Archaeology)
This Lab2SHARE session is titled “Making seeing. Images in academic production and research” and features presentations by two doctoral students:
“drawing – the measure of memory” of Jorge Santos (PhD candidate EAAD.Architecture)
“An exercise for the memory – drawn script for an intervention proposal on ruins”, intends to focus, in a first phase, on deepening the theme of traveling and drawing as fundamental elements for the training, learning, and understanding of architecture, its places, and circumstances.
The script of this investigation is geographically related to the idea of travelling along national and forest roads through the rural area of the Barroso region, in northern Portugal.
The ruins reflect the ephemerality of our existence, as time passes, they deteriorate, ageing and being returned to nature, although some remain eternal, ageless.
I search for ruins to draw and understand them, to build a personal memory, but always aware that they are also memories of something that existed before, trying to avoid the risk of losing myself in its beauty through its contemplation, and, in the end, not even getting to know them.
Jorge Manuel Barroso Ferreira dos Santos. Architect by the School of Architecture of the University of Minho (2012). Between 2012 and 2016 works the Carlos Castanheira and Álvaro Siza Vieira. In 2014, wins the first prize of the PEPEM (Prizes for Internships in Portugal and Abroad) competition promoted by the OASRS. Between 2020 and 2022, he received a grant from the Getty Foundation under the Keeping it Modern project. In addition to practice of the profession, he is a PhD student at the School of Architecture of the University of Minho, with a research proposal focused on the ruin and drawing theme.
left _ notebook 69_atenas_17-09-2022
right _ notebook 80_roma_01-01-2025
“Mosaics and the Bracaraugustan elite: image, habitus and consumption in Roman houses” of Diego Machado (PhD candidate ICS.Archaeology)
The houses of Bracara Augusta’s political elite, whether in the urban environment (domus) or those scattered around the area of the conuentus bracaraugustanus (uillae), were covered in various symbols that created the group and affirmed its position in Bracaran society. The shape and decoration of the dwellings are not so much the individual desires of their inhabitants, but the collective desires of the group, whose values and symbols make their ideas and feelings real, creating meanings in the objects and communicating them socially and culturally. In this work, we will analyse one of the elements that make up this language, the mosaics with representations of marine fauna.
Diego Machado has a degree in History from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), a degree and a master’s degree in Archaeology from the University of Minho and is currently developing a PhD project in Archaeology in this same institution with the title “From Bracara to Braga. Economic and social dynamics between the 3rd and 15th centuries: an archaeological approach”, with funding from FCT. He is member of LandS/Lab2PT and collaborator of the Archaeology Unit of the University of Minho since 2015, where he develops his research about material culture between the Roman and medieval period, with main emphasis on economic and social phenomena revealed by archaeological materialities, especially ceramics and coins.
Proposal to restore the peristyle of the domus of Santiago (Bracara Augusta)
©César Figueiredo
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7 of February 2024 11 am