Lab2PT — Conferences — Seminars
Doctoral Cycle of Conversations of the Associated Laboratory IN2PAST: Round Table "Truth, Justice and Memory"
In2Past’s Doctoral Doctoral Cycle returns to Lisbon on June 21, with investigators Francisco Azevedo Mendes (Lab2PT – University of Minho / IN2PAST), Rui Cunha Martins (IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST) and Ruy Llera Blanes (CRIA – ISCTE / IN2PAST), within the scope of the meeting promoted that day by IN2PAST Thematic Line 5 (LT5) with the theme “Shared Heritage: A critical debate on authorship, ownership and regimes surrounding heritage”.
In this round table will be presented reflections on the intersection between truth, justice and memory policies in postcolonial, authoritarian and post-authoritarian contexts, and post-government, from research in Brazil, Portugal, Angola and Guinea-Bissau. In particular, case studies will be brought around May 27, 1977 in Angola, War and State blows in Guinea-Bissau, and April 25, 1974 in Portugal, among others. Having this basis, the main concern of the three actors is to reflect with the public present about the eventual methodological interest of this intersection in the various doctoral investigations, avoiding reducing discussion to a specific disciplinary scope. In this sense, we mobilize for the discussion the incalculable scope of IN2PAST.
The meeting is scheduled for 11 am, in Room B323, Building 4 of ISCTE and is intended not only to the scientific and academic community, but to all stakeholders. Entry is free, subject only to the capacity of the room. If you can’t be present, watch via Zoom.
Old arrested at the Military Deprusion House in 1977 reacts to the space rehabilitation project, the headquarters of the future Museum of the Angola Liberation Struggle. © Ruy Llera Blanes, October 2023
Organization: António Candeias, Fátima Ferreira, Joana Cunha Leal, José Mirão, José Neves, Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Nélia Dias, Paulo Simões Rodrigues, Ricardo Castro, Rita Hasse Ferreira e Sónia Almeida.
The Doctoral Cycle of Conversations of the IN2PAST promotes the intersection of scientific knowledge whose diversity defines the transdisciplinary vocation of our laboratory. At the same time, the conversations foster dialogue between scientific practices of knowledge of the past and other cultural ways of using and understanding it, from heritage interventions to the elaboration of public memory policies, including artistic creation.
+ Info: HERE
21 of june of 2024
11 am
Room B323, Building 4, ISCTE, Lisbon + Online (via Zoom)