Two archaeological campaigns in the Portuguese window of Cultur-Monts: Terras de Bouro and Arcos de Valdevez
1 to 26 of july 2024
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Starting next week, and throughout the month of July, in the context of the field internships of the Bachelor’s and Master’s courses in Archeology at the University of Minho, the Cultur-Monts Lab2PT team will intervene in the Portuguese window, promoting two archaeological campaigns whose results will directly contribute to the project, which aims to study, publicize and promote the archaeological and heritage resources of mountain territories.
A first team, led by researcher Helena Carvalho, and which will be co-directed by Paulo Bernardes and Jorge Ribeiro, will develop a prospecting campaign in the municipality of Terras de Bouro, focusing on Geira Romana, the quarries associated with the route, and some of its milestones.
A second team, led by researcher Rebeca Blanco-Rotea, will intervene in Arcos de Valdevez, in the agro-pastoral landscape area of Extremo.
The two interventions will involve the participation of a dozen students, contributing to their training, and will have logistical support from the Archeology Unit of the University of Minho.
Figure 1: Perspective of the Roman Via XVIII/Geira in Terras de Bouro
Figure 2: Perspective of the field internship of the Degree in Archeology course in Arcos de Valdevez, July 2023 campaign
Terras de Bouro:
Scientific direction: Helena Paula Carvalho (Lab2PT, UMinho);
Co-supervision: Paulo Bernardes (UAUM/ Lab2PT, UMinho), Jorge Ribeiro (Lab2PT, UMinho).
Arcos de Valdevez:
Scientific direction: Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (Lab2PT, UMinho)
+ Information about the archaeological campaigns:
Facebook: Cultur-Monts Sudoe
Instagram: CulturMonts Interreg Sudoe
Linkedin: CulturMonts Interreg Sudoe