News in the cultural newspaper “All history that can enter 16 hectars” by Manuel Gago, about archaeological investigation where Rebeca Blanco-Rotea participates
4 of june 2024 |
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The news published today on the cultural website, echoes the results of a research project in which Rebeca Blanco-Rotea, assistant researcher at Lab2PT, participates.
This exceptional site, whose exterior enclosure of 16 h was identified in 2018, represents a new typology in Galicia. Since 2021, the site has been the subject of an archaeological investigation directed by Martiño X. Vázquez, archaeologist of the company Solventa (Grupo Cooperativo Xeitura). And it has a grant from the Palarq Foundation, whose PIs are Jorge Sanjurjo Sánchez (Universidade da Coruña) and Rebeca Blanco-Rotea, for the absolute dating of the exterior fortification of this enclosure and its interior structures, the project: ‘Establishment of a chronological framework for the site of As Torres de Montecastelo (Vilar de Barrio) – Ourense’ (
The news echoes the first results of these datings that date the fortification in the Bronze Age, IX-VIII BC, which means that it is the first large fortification of these characteristics documented in Galicia. The site has a very interesting sequence with constant reoccupation that will be a new challenge for archaeological research.
Author: Manuel Gago (
Participants: Martiño X. Vázquez (Grupo Cooperativo Xeitura); Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez (UdC); Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (Lab2PT-UMinho, CCG); João Fonte (ERA Arqueologia).
Promoting institution: Consello da Cultura Galega
News: HERE