2024 - ERCC-BAE - From emergency to climate resilience: proposal for a governance agenda for Brazilian, African and European cities
Climate change is unequivocal, widespread, accelerated, irreversible and without historical precedent. In the face of the climate emergency, the search for climate mitigation, adaptation and resilient development currently permeates political governance. Although there are advances in some cities and actions at the regional and national level, it is necessary to strengthen climate governance policies in Brazil at the local scale, which is already a reality in European, Asian and North American countries. In this context, the objective of the proposal is to design a governance agenda for the local scale, by indicating evidence of extreme events and climate change trends, recognizing the impacts associated with water, energy and food security and, above all, proposing of mitigation and adaptation strategies and technologies. To this end, some Brazilian cities (Goiânia, Jataí and Itumbiara), Mozambican cities (Maputo and Beira) and European cities (Porto, Seville and Barcelona) will be considered as study areas. The selection of Brazilian cities took into account possible impacts related to human supply (Goiânia), food production (Jataí) and electricity generation (Itumbiara). In turn, European cities will serve as a field for investigating implemented experiences of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, when carrying out the post-doctoral internship, while African cities were defined taking into account socio-environmental vulnerability and possibility of sharing strategies and technologies. The methodology comprises the stages of bibliographic and documentary review; processing of meteorological data; compilation of secondary data to characterize and survey impacts associated with the water-food-energy nexus and; proposing mitigation and adaptation strategies and technologies through the formulation of a governance agenda with guidelines, actions and goals for public managers. The project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, by providing inputs that stimulate and guide effective climate action, towards the formulation of measures to combat climate change, based on the proposal of a climate change agenda. governance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and reduce socioeconomic vulnerabilities (adaptation). Nevertheless, the proposal meets the perspective of internationalization of Brazilian research, through concrete partnerships and prospects for new collaborations between African and European researchers and institutions, providing synergy, sharing and excellence in tackling climate change.
Exact and Earth Sciences Geosciences Physical Geography Geographical Climatology Humanities Geography Regional Geography Regional Analysis
9 of January of 2024
1 de Janeiro de 2027
Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento (Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)/Brasil)
Hélder Tiago da Silva Lopes Paula Cristina Almeida Cadima Remoaldo Juliana Araújo Alves
Universidade Federal de Goiás/Brasil Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás/Brasil Universidade Estadual de Goiás – Campus Iporá/Brasil. Universidade Federal de Jataí/ Brasil Instituto Federal de Brasília – Campus Riacho Fundo/Brasil Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso – Campus do Araguaia / Brasil Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Campus do Pontal/Brasil Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará/Brasil Universidade de São Paulo/Brasil Universidade Federal do Paraná/Brasil Universidade Pedagógica/Moçambique Universidade Rovuma/Moçambique Universidade do Minho/Portugal Universidade de Sevilha/Espanha Universidade de Barcelona/Espanha