5th National Meeting of IN2PAST Researchers | Event Recording and RUM Report
January 22-25, 2025 | University of Minho and Extremo, Arcos de Valdevez
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5th National Meeting of IN2PAST Researchers
January 22 – Meeting with representatives of national and international entities of reference in the areas of Heritage, Arts and Culture
At the opening of the 5th IN2PAST Meeting, at 5 pm in the Sala dos Arcos of the Rectory of the University of Minho, a public session took place with representatives of several public and private institutions who met to discuss partnerships and synergies in the fields of Heritage, Arts, Culture , Sustainability and Territory. This meeting, hosted by the Vice-Rector of Culture and Territory, Joana Aguiar e Silva and the Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation, Eugénio Campos Ferreira, was attended by Rosario Álvarez, president of the Consello Da Cultura Galega, Felipe Criado-Boado, director of Incipit -CSIC, Nereida Prada Pineiro, Director of the Interuniversity Research Center of Cultural Atlantic Landscapes (CISPAC), Maria José Sousa, Director of the D. Diogo de Sousa Archaeology Museum, António Gonçalves, Director of the Nogueira da Silva Museum, the President of the Center Braga Regional Office of the Portuguese Catholic University, Professor Paulo Dias, Ana Ferreira representing the Braga City Council, Lília Neto Basílio representing the CCDR-Norte, among many other directors and technicians from municipal and district museums, libraries and archives, city halls and institutions.
This session, opened by the Direction Board’s president of IN2PAST, António Candeias (HERCULES/UÉvora) and the Direction Board’s vice-president, Fátima Moura Ferreira (Lab2PT/UMinho), was attended by researchers from all 7 UIDs that make up the Associated Laboratory, where they were able to hear the coordinators and/or deputy coordinators of the 5 LTs and who stated the main lines of research and thematic guidelines that guide the work and studies of the researchers who are part of them.
At the end, there was a Green of Honor and a moment of fellowship among all those present.
Images: © Eduardo de Aguiar e Silva
January 23rd – Debate Sessions 1 to 4
On the first day of work, at 9.30 am, the Meeting began with Debate Session 1 – Intervene, moderated by Isabel Maria Fernandes (Lab2PT/UMinho) and Milene Gil (HERCULES/UÉvora), and at 11.30 am Debate Session 2 – Recognize began, moderated by Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT/UMinho) and Pedro Martins (IHC/NOVA FCSH). In the afternoon, Debate Session 3 – Disciplinary Crossings took place at 3 pm, moderated by Paulo Simão Rodrigues (CHAIA/UÉvora) and Teresa Ferreira (HERCULES/UÉvora), and Debate Session 4 – Technologies, moderated by José Neves (IHC /NOVA FCSH) and Leonel Alegre (HERCULES/UÉvora), at 5 pm. In each of the Sessions, the various proposals translated into posters were discussed, aligned and thematically integrated with the guidelines of each Session.
Imagens: ©IN2PAST
Images: ©Bruna Correia
January 24th – Debate Sessions 5 and 6 and IN2PAST Scientific Committee Meeting
On the second day of work, Debate Session 5 – Pluralities opened the Meeting’s work at 9 am, moderated by Helena Barranha (IST, ULisboa and IHA-NOVA FCSH) and Ruy Llera Blanes (CRIA/ISCTE), which was followed by the Meeting Plenary of the Scientific Council of IN2PAST. In the afternoon, Debate Session 6 – Collaborative Practices started at 2:30 pm, moderated by Laura Burocco (CRIA/Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) and Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (Lab2PT/UMinho), after which the Rapporteurs’ Session began. , a space for presenting and debating the results and conclusions of all debate sessions.
Images: ©Eduardo de Aguiar e Silva
Images: ©Júlio Schulz
January 25th – Visit to Extremo, Arcos de Valdevez
At 8.30 am on Saturday, the trip to Extremo took the researchers to see, first-hand, through researcher Rebeca Blanco-Rotea, the fortified landscape that includes the Forte de Bragandelo and the Forte da Pereira/Campo de Futebol, followed by the descent to the cultivated fields via Caminho das Covinhas and a guided tour of the agricultural space where the IN2PAST Land-CST exploratory project was developed. Lunch was served at Paço da Giela, where IN2PAST researchers and the Extremo community shared the meal and conversations, in a moment of conviviality and relaxation. There was still time for a guided tour of Paço da Giela by Dr. Nuno Soares from Arcos de Valdevez City Council, before returning to Braga, at 4.30 pm.
Imagens: ©IN2PAST
Imagens: ©Lara Silva
Images: ©Joana Sequeira
More informations about the 5th National Meeting of IN2PAST Researchers: HERE and HERE
Report from Minho University Radio: HERE
How can we bring museums closer to citizens? What should we do with heritage and what heritage should we leave for future generations? Can the private sector play a more active role in urban regeneration projects? Just three of the dozens of questions debated at IN2PAST’s 5th National Meeting of Researchers, held in Braga and Extremo, Arcos de Valdevez, between January 22nd and the 25th, 2025.
António Candeias, president of the Board of IN2PAST, explains to Rádio Universitária do Minho (RUM) why the associate laboratory, a consortium of seven research centres, may be more attractive to public or private partners (compared to an isolated research centre).
Fátima Moura Ferreira, vice-president of the Board, emphasised the new format of the meeting, which brought around 170 participants to the University of Minho, and promoted the sharing of experiences and discussion at the intersection of Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory, to the detriment of the traditional format of individual communications and presentations.
Rebeca Blanco-Rotea coordinates the thematic line (guiding line for all IN2PAST activity) dedicated to Landscape, Territories and Cultural Heritage, and organised the lab’s 3rd Field Trip, destination Extremo, a living communal laboratory where researchers and villagers actually do citizen science.
A report from Rádio Universitária do Minho (RUM) for the University of Minho, partner of the 5th National Meeting of IN2PAST.